tanitim@esenyurt.edu.tr 444 9 123

Ders Planı

Code Course Title P C ECTS
20EB1006 Academic Writing Skills 2 0 2 2
20EG1005 Basic Concepts in Sociology 3 0 3 7
20EG1003 Introduction to Economics-I 3 0 3 7
20EG1004 Information and Communication Technologies 2 0 2 4
2075EG1002 Turkish Language I 2 0 2 2
20EG2006 Introduction to Law 3 0 3 8
TOTAL   15 0 15 30
Code Course Title P C ECTS
20EG1011 Communication Skills 2 0 2 2
2075EB1002 Turkish Language II 2 0 2 2
20EB1003 Introduction to Economics-II 3 0 3 7
2017B1002 Introduction to International Relations 3 0 3 7
2075EB001 Entrepreneurship and Career Planning 3 0 3 4
2017B1004 Introduction to Political Science 3 0 3 8
TOTAL   16 0 16 30
Code Course Title P C ECTS
2075EG1001 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I 2 0 2 2
20EG2002 Statistics 3 0 3 5
2017G3001 Theories of International Relations 3 0 3 6
2017G2007 Diplomatic History I 3 0 3 6
2017B2002 History of Civilization 3 0 3 5
2017G2005 History of Political Thought 3 0 3 6
TOTAL   17 0 17 30
Code Course Title P C ECTS
2075EB1001 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II 2 0 2 2
2017B2006 Foreign Policy Analysis   3 0 3 6
2017B2004 Diplomatic History-II 3 0 3 6
2017G2006 Constitutional Order in Turkey 3 0 3 5
2017B2008 Modern Political Ideologies 3 0 3 6
20EB2004 Research Methodology 3 0 3 5
TOTAL   17 0 17 30
Code Course Title P C ECTS
2017G3003 International Law- I  3 0 3 6
2017G3005 Political Structure and Life in Turkey- I 3 0 3 5
  Departmental Elective I 3 0 3 5
  Departmental Elective I 3 0 3 5
  Faculty Elective I 3 0 3 5
  University Elective I 3 0 3 4
TOTAL   18 0 18 30
Code Course Title P C ECTS
2017B3002 International Law- II  3 0 3 6
2017B3006 Political Structure and Life in Turkey- II 3 0 3 5
2017B3038 Departmental Elective II 3 0 3 5
2017B3004 Departmental Elective II 3 0 3 5
2014G4008 Faculty Elective II 3 0 3 5
2014B4011 University Elective II  3 0 3 4
TOTAL   18 0 18 30
Code Course Title P C ECTS
2017G3021 Turkish Foreign Policy  3 0 3 8
2017G4003 International Organizations 3 0 3 7
  Departmental Elective III 3 0 3 5
  Departmental Elective III 3 0 3 5
  Faculty Elective Course III 3 0 3 5
TOTAL   15 0 15 30
Code Course Title P C ECTS
2017G4001 Political Psychology 3 0 3 8
2017B4044 Human Rights 3 0 3 7
2017G4041 Departmental Elective IV 3 0 3 5
2017G4044 Departmental Elective IV 3 0 3 5
2014G4011 Faculty Elective Course IV 3 0 3 5
TOTAL   15 0 15 30
Departmental Elective Pool 1
Code Course Title P C ECTS
2017G3023 Turkish Political History- I 3 0 3 5
2017G3025 Global Democracy 3 0 3 5
2017B3022 Comparative Politics 3 0 3 5
2017G3029 Social Policy and Social Security 3 0 3 5
2017G3024 History of European Integration  3 0 3 5
2017G3033 Turkish Economic History 3 0 3 5
2017G3035 Local Governments 3 0 3 5
2017G3037 Strategic Planning, Project and Risk Management 3 0 3 5
2075EG3001 City and Culture 3 0 3 5
2017G3037 Professional Foreign Language I 3 0 3 5
20EGB3005 Social and Economic Structure of Turkey 3 0 3 5
2017G3038 State and Society 3 0 3 5
Departmental Elective Pool 2
Code Course Title P C ECTS
2017B3024 Turkish Political History-II 3 0 3 5
2017B3028 Environment and Urbanization Policies 3 0 3 5
2017B3036 Current Issues in Turkey 3 0 3 5
2017B3032 Political Streams and Organizations in Turkey 3 0 3 5
2017B3034 Development and Sustainability 3 0 3 5
2017B3026 Public Administration and Communication 3 0 3 5
2017B3038 International Political Economy 3 0 3 5
2017B3003 Digital Diplomacy 3 0 3 5
2017B3004 International Security  3 0 3 5
2017B4034 Professional Foreign Language II 3 0 3 5
2017B3041 Religion and Politics 3 0 3 5
Faculty Elective Pool 1
Code Course Title P C ECTS
2014G4008 Risk Management 3 0 3 5
2014G3001 Cost Accounting 3 0 3 5
2014G3002 Law of Obligations 3 0 3 5
20EG3005 Financial Management 3 0 3 5
2014G3010 Accounting Standards 3 0 3 5
20EB3009 Organizational Behaviour 3 0 3 5
2014B3001 Investment Analysis 3 0 3 5
2014B3003 Management Information Systems 3 0 3 5
2014B3004 Labor and Social Security Law 3 0 3 5
2014G3011 Smart Factories 3 0 3 5
2014B4004 Behavioral Finance 3 0 3 5
2014B4006 Small Business Management 3 0 3 5
2014B4007 Global Marketing 3 0 3 5
2014B3005 Sales Management 3 0 3 5
2014G4005 Auditing 3 0 3 5
2014G4006 Supply Chain and Logistic Management 3 0 3 5
2014G4003 Organizational Culture 3 0 3 5
2014G4004 Family Business Managemet 3 0 3 5
2014G4011 Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business Management 3 0 3 5
20EG1009 Industry 4.0 3 0 3 5
20EG1010 Media Planning 3 0 3 5
2014B3006 e-Business 3 0 3 5
2014G3006 Business Communication 3 0 3 5
2014G3005 Operation Research 3 0 3 5
2014B4010 Digital Marketing 3 0 3 5
20EGB3005 Social and Economic Structure of Turkey 3 0 3 5
20EGB3005 Social and Economic Structure of Turkey 3 0 3 5
2014B3007 Public Relations and Lobbying 3 0 3 5
Faculty Elective Pool 2 
Code Course Title P C ECTS
2014G4008 Risk Management 3 0 3 5
2014G3001 Cost Accounting 3 0 3 5
2014G3002 Law of Obligations 3 0 3 5
20EG3005 Financial Management 3 0 3 5
2014G3010 Accounting Standards 3 0 3 5
20EB3009 Organizational Behaviour 3 0 3 5
2014B4004 Investment Analysis 3 0 3 5
2014B3003 Management Information Systems 3 0 3 5
2014B3004 Labor and Social Security Law 3 0 3 5
2014G3011 Smart Factories 3 0 3 5
2014B4005 Behavioral Finance 3 0 3 5
2014B4006 Small Business Management 3 0 3 5
2014B3001 Global Marketing 3 0 3 5
2014B3005 Sales Management 3 0 3 5
2014G4005 Auditing 3 0 3 5
2014G4006 Supply Chain and Logistic Management 3 0 3 5
2014G4003 Organizational Culture 3 0 3 5
2014G4004 Family Business Managemet 3 0 3 5
2014G4011 Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business Management 3 0 3 5
20EG1009 Industry 4.0 3 0 3 5
20EG1010 Media Planning 3 0 3 5
2014B3006 e-Business 3 0 3 5
2014G3006 Business Communication 3 0 3 5
2014G3005 Operation Research 3 0 3 5
2014B4010 Digital Marketing 3 0 3 5
2014B3007 Public Relations and Lobbying 3 0 3 5
Departmental Elective Pool 3 
Code Course Title P C ECTS
2017G4021 Regional Studies: Eurasia 3 0 3 5
2017G4023 Current Issues in World Politics 3 0 3 5
2017G4031 Gender and Politics 3 0 3 5
2017G4006 European Union Law 3 0 3 5
2017G4025 Regional Studies: Caucasia 3 0 3 5
2017G4027 International Jurisdiction and Tribunals 3 0 3 5
2017G4029 Comtemporary Issues in Turkish Foreign Policy 3 0 3 5
2017G4030 Comtemporary Approaches to Public Administration 3 0 3 5
2017G4035 Culture and Identity 3 0 3 5
2017G4037 Russian Foreign Policy 3 0 3 5
2017G4039 Political Participation and Elections 3 0 3 5
2017G4044 International Criminal Law 3 0 3 5
2017G4043 International Private Law 3 0 3 5
2017G4042 Politics and Media 3 0 3 5
Departmental Elective Pool 4
Code Course Title P C ECTS
2017B4022 International Crises and Crisis Management 3 0 3 5
2017B4024 Regional Studies: Middle East  3 0 3 5
2017B4026 Issues in Turkish-Greek Relations  3 0 3 5
2017B4028 Regional Studies: Asia-Pacific 3 0 3 5
2017B4036 Politics and Art 3 0 3 5
2017B4032 International Investment Law 3 0 3 5
2017B4036 Terrorism and Intelligence 3 0 3 5
2017B4038 Nationalism Theories 3 0 3 5
2017B4040 US Foreign Policy 3 0 3 5
2017B4042 International Immigration and Politics 3 0 3 5
2017G4041 Public Diplomacy 3 0 3 5
2017G3030 Cyber Space and Cyber Security 3 0 3 5
2017G4029 Comtemporary Issues in Turkish Foreign Policy 3 0 3 5
Faculty Elective Pool 3
Code Course Title P C ECTS
2014G3001 Cost Accounting 3 0 3 5
2014G3002 Law of Obligations 3 0 3 5
20EG3005 Financial Management 3 0 3 5
2014G3010 Accounting Standards 3 0 3 5
20EB3009 Organizational Behaviour 3 0 3 5
2014B4004 Investment Analysis 3 0 3 5
2014B3003 Management Information Systems 3 0 3 5
2014B3004 Labor and Social Security Law 3 0 3 5
2014G3011 Smart Factories 3 0 3 5
2014B4005 Behavioral Finance 3 0 3 5
2014B4006 Small Business Management 3 0 3 5
2014B3001 Global Marketing 3 0 3 5
2014B3005 Sales Management 3 0 3 5
2014G4005 Auditing 3 0 3 5
2014G4006 Supply Chain and Logistic Management 3 0 3 5
2014G4003 Organizational Culture 3 0 3 5
2014G4004 Family Business Managemet 3 0 3 5
2014G4011 Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business Management 3 0 3 5
20EG4009 Industry 4.0 3 0 3 5
20EG1010 Media Planning 3 0 3 5
2014B3006 e-Business 3 0 3 5
2014G3006 Business Communication 3 0 3 5
2014G3005 Operation Research 3 0 3 5
2014B4010 Digital Marketing 3 0 3 5
2017G3037 Strategic Planning, Project and Risk Management 3 0 3 5
2014B3007 Public Relations and Lobbying 3 0 3 5
2017B4032 International Investment Law 3 0 3 5
Faculty Elective Pool 4 
Code Course Title P C ECTS
2014G3001 Cost Accounting 3 0 3 5
2014G3002 Law of Obligations 3 0 3 5
20EG3005 Financial Management 3 0 3 5
2014G3010 Accounting Standards 3 0 3 5
20EB3009 Organizational Behaviour 3 0 3 5
2014B3001 Investment Analysis 3 0 3 5
2014B3003 Management Information Systems 3 0 3 5
2014B3004 Labor and Social Security Law 3 0 3 5
2014G3011 Smart Factories 3 0 3 5
2014B4005 Behavioral Finance 3 0 3 5
2014B4006 Small Business Management 3 0 3 5
2014B3001 Global Marketing 3 0 3 5
2014B3005 Sales Management 3 0 3 5
2014G4005 Auditing 3 0 3 5
2014G4006 Supply Chain and Logistic Management 3 0 3 5
2014G4003 Organizational Culture 3 0 3 5
2014G4004 Family Business Managemet 3 0 3 5
2014G4011 Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business Management 3 0 3 5
20EG1009 Industry 4.0 3 0 3 5
20EG1010 Media Planning 3 0 3 5
2014B3006 e-Business 3 0 3 5
2014G3006 Business Communication 3 0 3 5
2014G3005 Operation Research 3 0 3 5
2014B4010 Digital Marketing 3 0 3 5
2017G3037 Strategic Planning, Project and Risk Management 3 0 3 5
2017B4032 International Investment Law 3 0 3 5
2014B3007 Public Relations and Lobbying 3 0 3 5
University Elective Pool
Code Course Title P C ECTS
2014B3001 Investment Analysis 3 0 3 4
2014B3003 Management Information Systems 3 0 3 4
2014B3004 Labor and Social Security Law 3 0 3 4
2014B3005 Sales Managemet 3 0 3 4
2014B3006 e-Business 3 0 3 4
2014B3007 Public Relations and Lobbying 3 0 3 4
2014B3008 Managerial Leadership 3 0 3 4
2014B4004 Behavioral Finance 3 0 3 4
2014B4006 Small Business Management 3 0 3 4
2014B4007 Global Marketing 3 0 3 4
2014B4010 Digital Marketing 3 0 3 4
2014G3001 Cost Accounting 3 0 3 4
2014G3002 Law of Obligations 3 0 3 4
2014G3005 Operation Research 3 0 3 4
2014G3006 Business Communication 3 0 3 4
2014G3010 Accounting Standards 3 0 3 4
2014G3011 Smart Factories 3 0 3 4
2014G4003 Organizational Culture 3 0 3 4
2014G4004 Family Business Managemet 3 0 3 4
2014G4005 Auditing 3 0 3 4
2014G4006 Supply Chain and Logistic Management 3 0 3 4
2014G4011 Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business Management 3 0 3 4
2017G3037 Strategic Planning, Project and Risk Management 3 0 3 4
20EB3009 Organizational Behaviour 3 0 3 4
20EG1009 Industry 4.0 3 0 3 4
20EG1010 Media Planning 3 0 3 4
20EG3005 Financial Management 3 0 3 4
2017B3004 International Security  3 0 3 4
2014B4011 Total Quality Management 3 0 3 4
2017B4042 International Immigration and Politics 3 0 3 4
2075EGB303 Democratic Citizenship 3 0 3 4
2022G3004 Economics of Development 3 0 3 4
2075GB303 Social Policy and Planning 3 0 3 4
2075EG3001 City and Culture 3 0 3 4
2075EGB302 Science, Technology and Society 3 0 3 4
2075EGB002 Human Rights 3 0 3 4